All Work

How to visualize modern AI research
How to visualize modern AI research
IBM Research
A new way to create realistic 3D shapes using generative AI
A new way to create realistic 3D shapes using generative AI
MIT News
An AI model trained on data that looks real but won’t leak personal information
An AI model trained on data that looks real but won’t leak personal information
IBM Research
Automated system teaches users when to collaborate with an AI assistant
Automated system teaches users when to collaborate with an AI assistant
MIT News
New method uses crowdsourced feedback to help train robots
New method uses crowdsourced feedback to help train robots
MIT News
A Family of Robust Stochastic Operators for Reinforcement Learning
A Family of Robust Stochastic Operators for Reinforcement Learning
How Transferable are Video Representations Based on Synthetic Data?
How Transferable are Video Representations Based on Synthetic Data?
3D Concept Grounding on Neural Fields
3D Concept Grounding on Neural Fields
Learning Neural Acoustic Fields
Learning Neural Acoustic Fields
Weakly-Supervised Multi-Granularity Map Learning for Vision-and-Language Navigation
Weakly-Supervised Multi-Granularity Map Learning for Vision-and-Language Navigation
Learning Active Camera for Multi-Object Navigation
Learning Active Camera for Multi-Object Navigation
Losses Can Be Blessings: Routing Self-Supervised Speech Representations Towards Efficient Multilingual and Multitask Speech Processing
Losses Can Be Blessings: Routing Self-Supervised Speech Representations Towards Efficient Multilingual and Multitask Speech Processing
Fairness Reprogramming
Fairness Reprogramming
The Missing Invariance Principle found — the Reciprocal Twin of Invariant Risk Minimization
The Missing Invariance Principle found — the Reciprocal Twin of Invariant Risk Minimization
S3-NeRF: Neural Reflectance Field from Shading and Shadow under a Single Viewpoint
S3-NeRF: Neural Reflectance Field from Shading and Shadow under a Single Viewpoint
Advancing Model Pruning via Bi-level Optimization
Advancing Model Pruning via Bi-level Optimization
Deep Differentiable Logic Gate Networks
Deep Differentiable Logic Gate Networks
Factored Adaptation for Non-stationary Reinforcement Learning
Factored Adaptation for Non-stationary Reinforcement Learning
DualCoOp: Fast Adaptation to Multi-Label Recognition with Limited Annotations
DualCoOp: Fast Adaptation to Multi-Label Recognition with Limited Annotations
Finding Differences Between Transformers and ConvNets Using Counterfactual Simulation Testing
Finding Differences Between Transformers and ConvNets Using Counterfactual Simulation Testing
Domain Adaptation meets Individual Fairness. And they get along
Domain Adaptation meets Individual Fairness. And they get along
Calibrated Data-Dependent Constraints with Exact Satisfaction Guarantees
Calibrated Data-Dependent Constraints with Exact Satisfaction Guarantees
Convergent representations of computer programs in human and artificial neural networks
Convergent representations of computer programs in human and artificial neural networks
Learning Physical Dynamics with Subequivariant Graph Neural Networks
Learning Physical Dynamics with Subequivariant Graph Neural Networks
Redeeming Intrinsic Rewards via Constrained Optimization
Redeeming Intrinsic Rewards via Constrained Optimization
Exponentially Improving the Complexity of Simulating the Weisfeiler-Lehman Test with Graph Neural Networks
Exponentially Improving the Complexity of Simulating the Weisfeiler-Lehman Test with Graph Neural Networks
Faster Linear Algebra for Distance Matrices
Faster Linear Algebra for Distance Matrices
k-Sliced Mutual Information: A Quantitative Study of Scalability with Dimension
k-Sliced Mutual Information: A Quantitative Study of Scalability with Dimension
Bringing Image Scene Structure to Video via Frame-Clip Consistency of Object Tokens
Bringing Image Scene Structure to Video via Frame-Clip Consistency of Object Tokens
FETA: Towards Specializing Foundation Models for Expert Task Applications
FETA: Towards Specializing Foundation Models for Expert Task Applications
Influencing Long-Term Behavior in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Influencing Long-Term Behavior in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Procedural Image Programs for Representation Learning
Procedural Image Programs for Representation Learning
Fair Infinitesimal Jackknife: Mitigating the Influence of Biased Training Data Points Without Refitting
Fair Infinitesimal Jackknife: Mitigating the Influence of Biased Training Data Points Without Refitting
On-Device Training Under 256KB Memory
On-Device Training Under 256KB Memory
How hard are computer vision datasets? Calibrating dataset difficulty to viewing time
How hard are computer vision datasets? Calibrating dataset difficulty to viewing time
SNAKE: Shape-aware Neural 3D Keypoint Field
SNAKE: Shape-aware Neural 3D Keypoint Field
Debugging foundation models for bias
Debugging foundation models for bias
IBM Research
A simpler path to better computer vision
A simpler path to better computer vision
MIT News
A far-sighted approach to machine learning
A far-sighted approach to machine learning
MIT News
This AI can harness sound to reveal the structure of unseen spaces
This AI can harness sound to reveal the structure of unseen spaces
Popular Science
Perceptron: AI that sees with sound, learns to walk and predicts seismic physics
Perceptron: AI that sees with sound, learns to walk and predicts seismic physics
In machine learning, synthetic data can offer real performance improvements
In machine learning, synthetic data can offer real performance improvements
MIT News
Learning on the edge
Learning on the edge
MIT News
TinyML is bringing neural networks to small microcontrollers
TinyML is bringing neural networks to small microcontrollers
Clever Compression of Some Neural Nets Improves Performance
Clever Compression of Some Neural Nets Improves Performance
IEEE Spectrum
AI Researchers Fight Noise by Turning to Biology
AI Researchers Fight Noise by Turning to Biology
Quanta Magazine
A Bayesian-Symbolic Approach to Reasoning and Learning in Intuitive Physics
A Bayesian-Symbolic Approach to Reasoning and Learning in Intuitive Physics
Object DGCNN: 3D Object Detection using Dynamic Graphs
Object DGCNN: 3D Object Detection using Dynamic Graphs
Efficient Generalization with Distributionally Robust Learning
Efficient Generalization with Distributionally Robust Learning
Learning to Delegate for Large-scale Vehicle Routing
Learning to Delegate for Large-scale Vehicle Routing
Do Neural Optimal Transport Solvers Work? A Continuous Wasserstein-2 Benchmark
Do Neural Optimal Transport Solvers Work? A Continuous Wasserstein-2 Benchmark
Grammar-Based Grounded Lexicon Learning
Grammar-Based Grounded Lexicon Learning
An Exact Characterization of the Generalization Error for the Gibbs Algorithm
An Exact Characterization of the Generalization Error for the Gibbs Algorithm
Change Point Detection via Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis
Change Point Detection via Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis
PerSim: Data-Efficient Offline Reinforcement Learning with Heterogeneous Agents via Personalized Simulators
PerSim: Data-Efficient Offline Reinforcement Learning with Heterogeneous Agents via Personalized Simulators
Delayed Gradient Averaging: Tolerate the Communication Latency for Federated Learning
Delayed Gradient Averaging: Tolerate the Communication Latency for Federated Learning
Noether networks: meta-learning useful conserved quantities
Noether networks: meta-learning useful conserved quantities
IA-RED^2 : Interpretability-Aware Redundancy Reduction for Vision Transformers
IA-RED^2 : Interpretability-Aware Redundancy Reduction for Vision Transformers
Machine learning speeds up vehicle routing
Machine learning speeds up vehicle routing
MIT News
Generating a realistic 3D world
Generating a realistic 3D world
MIT News
Toward speech recognition for uncommon spoken languages
Toward speech recognition for uncommon spoken languages
MIT News
AI Algorithms Are Slimming Down to Fit in Your Fridge
AI Algorithms Are Slimming Down to Fit in Your Fridge
Simulating a Primary Visual Cortex at the Front of CNNs Improves Robustness to Image Perturbations
Simulating a Primary Visual Cortex at the Front of CNNs Improves Robustness to Image Perturbations
Black Loans Matter: Fighting Bias for AI Fairness in Lending
Black Loans Matter: Fighting Bias for AI Fairness in Lending
Researchers Figured Out How to Fit More AI Than Ever onto Internet of Things Microchips
Researchers Figured Out How to Fit More AI Than Ever onto Internet of Things Microchips
Morning Brew
Is neuroscience the key to protecting AI from adversarial attacks?
Is neuroscience the key to protecting AI from adversarial attacks?
Learning Physical Graph Representations from Visual Scenes
Learning Physical Graph Representations from Visual Scenes
Least Squares Regression with Markovian Data: Fundamental Limits and Algorithms
Least Squares Regression with Markovian Data: Fundamental Limits and Algorithms
Testing Determinantal Point Processes
Testing Determinantal Point Processes
Fairness in Streaming Submodular Maximization: Algorithms and Hardness
Fairness in Streaming Submodular Maximization: Algorithms and Hardness
CogMol: Target-Specific and Selective Drug Design for COVID-19 Using Deep Generative Models
CogMol: Target-Specific and Selective Drug Design for COVID-19 Using Deep Generative Models
Active Structure Learning of Causal DAGs via Directed Clique Trees
Active Structure Learning of Causal DAGs via Directed Clique Trees
Adversarially-learned Inference via an Ensemble of Discrete Undirected Graphical Models
Adversarially-learned Inference via an Ensemble of Discrete Undirected Graphical Models
Online Bayesian Goal Inference for Boundedly-Rational Planning Agents
Online Bayesian Goal Inference for Boundedly-Rational Planning Agents
Sharp Representation Theorems for ReLU Networks with Precise Dependence on Depth
Sharp Representation Theorems for ReLU Networks with Precise Dependence on Depth
Robust Federated Learning: The Case of Affine Distribution Shifts
Robust Federated Learning: The Case of Affine Distribution Shifts
Differentiable Augmentation for Data-Efficient GAN Training
Differentiable Augmentation for Data-Efficient GAN Training
Learning Restricted Boltzmann Machines With Sparse Latent Variables
Learning Restricted Boltzmann Machines With Sparse Latent Variables
Debiased Contrastive Learning
Debiased Contrastive Learning
Neuroscientists find a way to make object-recognition models perform better
Neuroscientists find a way to make object-recognition models perform better
MIT News
Higher-Order Certification For Randomized Smoothing
Higher-Order Certification For Randomized Smoothing
Entropic Causal Inference: Identifiability and Finite Sample Results
Entropic Causal Inference: Identifiability and Finite Sample Results
Causal Discovery from Soft Interventions with Unknown Targets: Characterization and Learning
Causal Discovery from Soft Interventions with Unknown Targets: Characterization and Learning
Applications of Common Entropy in Causal Inference
Applications of Common Entropy in Causal Inference
Training Stronger Baselines for Learning to Optimize
Training Stronger Baselines for Learning to Optimize
Asymptotic Guarantees for Generative Modeling based on the Smooth Wasserstein Distance
Asymptotic Guarantees for Generative Modeling based on the Smooth Wasserstein Distance
Simulating a Primary Visual Cortex at the Front of CNNs Improves Robustness to Image Perturbations
Simulating a Primary Visual Cortex at the Front of CNNs Improves Robustness to Image Perturbations
Log-Likelihood Ratio Minimizing Flows: Towards Robust and Quantifiable Neural Distribution Alignment
Log-Likelihood Ratio Minimizing Flows: Towards Robust and Quantifiable Neural Distribution Alignment
Auxiliary Task Reweighting for Minimum-data Learning
Auxiliary Task Reweighting for Minimum-data Learning
Tiny Transfer Learning: Towards Memory-Efficient On-Device Learning
Tiny Transfer Learning: Towards Memory-Efficient On-Device Learning
Continuous Regularized Wasserstein Barycenters
Continuous Regularized Wasserstein Barycenters
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for the Pre-trained BERT Networks
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for the Pre-trained BERT Networks
Revisiting the Sample Complexity of Sparse Spectrum Approximation of Gaussian Processes
Revisiting the Sample Complexity of Sparse Spectrum Approximation of Gaussian Processes
Uncertainty-Aware Learning for Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation
Uncertainty-Aware Learning for Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation
AdaShare: Learning What To Share For Efficient Deep Multi-Task Learning
AdaShare: Learning What To Share For Efficient Deep Multi-Task Learning
Approximate Cross-Validation for Structured Models
Approximate Cross-Validation for Structured Models
MCUNet: Tiny Deep Learning on IoT Devices
MCUNet: Tiny Deep Learning on IoT Devices
System brings deep learning to “internet of things” devices
System brings deep learning to “internet of things” devices
MIT News
Does enforcing fairness mitigate biases caused by subpopulation shift?
Does enforcing fairness mitigate biases caused by subpopulation shift?
ObjectNet: A bias-controlled dataset object recognition
ObjectNet: A bias-controlled dataset object recognition
Point-Voxel CNN for Efficient 3D Deep Learning
Point-Voxel CNN for Efficient 3D Deep Learning
ZO-AdaMM: Zeroth-Order Adaptive Momentum Method for Black-Box Optimization
ZO-AdaMM: Zeroth-Order Adaptive Momentum Method for Black-Box Optimization
Sobolev Independence Criterion
Sobolev Independence Criterion
Private Testing of Distributions via Sample Permutations
Private Testing of Distributions via Sample Permutations
Image Synthesis with a Single (Robust) Classifier
Image Synthesis with a Single (Robust) Classifier
Learning New Tricks From Old Dogs: Multi-Source Transfer Learning From Pre-Trained Networks
Learning New Tricks From Old Dogs: Multi-Source Transfer Learning From Pre-Trained Networks
A Game Theoretic Approach to Class-wise Selective Rationalization
A Game Theoretic Approach to Class-wise Selective Rationalization
Hierarchical Optimal Transport for Document Representation
Hierarchical Optimal Transport for Document Representation
Characterization and Learning of Causal Graphs with Latent Variables from Soft Interventions
Characterization and Learning of Causal Graphs with Latent Variables from Soft Interventions
Tight Certificates of Adversarial Robustness for Randomly Smoothed Classifiers
Tight Certificates of Adversarial Robustness for Randomly Smoothed Classifiers
Statistical Model Aggregation via Parameter Matching
Statistical Model Aggregation via Parameter Matching
Imitation Learning from Observations by Minimizing Inverse Dynamics Disagreement
Imitation Learning from Observations by Minimizing Inverse Dynamics Disagreement
ObjectNet: A large-scale bias-controlled dataset for pushing the limits of object recognition models
ObjectNet: A large-scale bias-controlled dataset for pushing the limits of object recognition models
Adversarial Examples Are Not Bugs, They Are Features
Adversarial Examples Are Not Bugs, They Are Features
Sample Efficient Active Learning of Causal Trees
Sample Efficient Active Learning of Causal Trees
Scalable inference of topic evolution via models for latent geometric structures
Scalable inference of topic evolution via models for latent geometric structures
ZO-AdaMM: Derivative-free optimization for black-box problems
ZO-AdaMM: Derivative-free optimization for black-box problems
Cross-channel Communication Networks
Cross-channel Communication Networks
Tight Certificates of Adversarial Robustness
Tight Certificates of Adversarial Robustness
Learning and Testing Causal Models with Interventions
Learning and Testing Causal Models with Interventions
The Limit Points of (Optimistic) Gradient Descent in Min-Max Optimization
The Limit Points of (Optimistic) Gradient Descent in Min-Max Optimization
Direct Estimation of Differences in Causal Graphs
Direct Estimation of Differences in Causal Graphs
Learning Libraries of Subroutines for Neurally–Guided Bayesian Program Induction
Learning Libraries of Subroutines for Neurally–Guided Bayesian Program Induction
How Does Batch Normalization Help Optimization?
How Does Batch Normalization Help Optimization?
HOGWILD!-Gibbs Can Be PanAccurate
HOGWILD!-Gibbs Can Be PanAccurate
Efficient Neural Network Robustness Certification with General Activation Functions
Efficient Neural Network Robustness Certification with General Activation Functions
Dialog-based Interactive Image Retrieval
Dialog-based Interactive Image Retrieval